The Shepherd's
Heart application
Please Read and submit the information below
Letter of Understanding
Information Sheet
Synopsis of Program
Check List
Letter of Understanding
For becoming a Spiritual Son or Daughter of Bishop Walker
Greetings in the matchless Name of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ. I pray this letter finds you blessed and in good spirits.
As a spiritual father, it is my responsibility to impart into your life principles, experiences, knowledge, wisdom and leadership. That impartation takes place by hearing the Word of God coming from my life and ministry, into your life and ministry. My responsibility as a spiritual father is not making decisions that you should make under the guidance of the Holy Spirit, nor counseling you for every situation in life.
My job is to impart through the vehicles of conference calls, conferences, preaching engagements, recommended readings and audio and videotapes, along with the set times of impartation to the sons and daughters through a yearly retreat. This is an annual event where all of my sons and daughters in the ministry gather for days of relaxation, refreshment and koinonia.
The responsibility for receiving impartation is up to the son or daughter. In other words, you have to come and get the impartation through the avenues that have been established to give impartation.
Along with this letter, there is also enclosed an application for those wanting to be a spiritual son or daughter, and a covenant form that should be filled out and mailed back to my office with other requested information. Upon receipt of the necessary information, you will be scheduled for an interview either via phone, in person, or zoom.
If you have any questions, please contact Nina Davis Harmon at (615) 254-7296 or nharmon@mtzionnashville.org and she will be happy to assist you.
May God continue to bless you; I look forward to hearing from you soon.
In His Righteousness,
Bishop Joseph W. Walker, III-D.Min.
(Please Fill Out the Following Form)
Information Sheet
(Please Fill Out the Following Form)
Synopsis of Program
And it shall come to pass afterward, that I will pour out my spirit upon all flesh, and your sons and your daughters shall prophesy… Joel 2:28
- To provide a spiritual covering as the spiritual sons and daughters lead their ministries autonomously and unify them through mutually edifying relationships.
- Share experiences of the ministry with practical and theoretical tools to assist
- i.e., forums where Pastor can share his/her scars, life experiences, template of a successful Pastor’s week, staffing/administration, construction process, preparing a worship service, when do you know it is time to expand to another service, balance and boundaries in ministry, sessions for the spouses, etc.
- Develop a communication system that will keep spiritual sons/daughters informed and provide atmospheres for brainstorming and dialogue
- Emails
- Periodic conference calls with an agenda and a different focus (i.e., what is a spiritual leader).
- Develop a chat room for brainstorming (create an atmosphere of theological dialogue and collaboration of structured thinking).
- Provide recommended readings
- Resources that will assist in the development of the ministry
- Conduct an annual retreat for spiritual sons/daughters. (relaxation, refreshment, koinonia)
- Extend invites to attend conferences and seminars
- Support spiritual spiritual sons/daughters through prayer
- Make time to sit under teaching and recognize the Spiritual Father as the spiritual authority. (Acknowledge the fact that you are a reflection of the Spiritual Father)
- Support the Spiritual Father by praying for him and his family. Sow a seed, according to Galatians 6:6, Phil. 4:10, 1 Cor. 9:14, into his life during special occasions (pastor’s anniversary, birthday, and any other occasion as lead by the Spirit).
- Seek to hear God through the voice of the Spiritual Father by listening to weekly messages, lectures, and interviews on podcast, reading published books and attend in-person services and sessions when he is in your area.
- Stay informed of the Spiritual Father’s travel itinerary and support him whenever possible.
- As spiritual sons and daughters, commit to the covenant agreement.
- As spiritual sons and daughters, be willing to open and share with each other when Spiritual Father is not available.
- Cover/interest letter (why you would like to be a part of this ministry)
- Application
- Spiritual autobiography (statement of belief)l Copy of ordination license l Covenant Agreement
- Declaration of agreement
- A member from our team will review the requested documents and schedule a meeting with the new member and spouse (if applicable).
- Following the scheduled meeting, the candidate will receive a new member certificate and will be recognized as a spiritual son/daughter of The Shepherd’s Heart Ministry.
- Application
- Letter of Understanding
- Covenant Agreement
- Program Synopsis
- Needs Assessment
- Information Sheet
Items to complete and
submit as directed:
- Application
- Information Sheet
Items to be copied and returned
via e-mail or USPS:
- Signed Covenant Agreement (See Below)
- Completed Needs Assessment (See Below)
- Cover letter: stating your interest in becoming a spiritual son or daughter. The cover letter should also include your ministry's vision, mission statement and/or statement of beliefs
- Spiritual Autobiography with a brief summary of you and your ministry's growth and development
- Copy of your Ministerial License and/or Ordination Certificate